Vocational Training & Skills development Econews

Vocational Training & Skills Development in the Euro Mediterranean Region.
Within the context of the Employers Thematic Committee on Vocational Training & Skills development organized by EBSOMED project on September 14, 2021,  Mr Rabih Sabra, director general of the Chamber of Beirut and Mount Lebanon relayed the welcome and opening remarks of the webinar – debate. The event brought together various partners and stakeholders of the project, the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the International Organization of Employers (IOE).

The discussions addressed issues related to the activities of the thematic committee following the first periodical analytical study of latest trends within TVET and skills development in the Euro Mediterranean Region. The webinar tackled as well the results of 2nd periodical survey and the participants shared their insights, experiences and best practices in relation to the TVET sector.

In his intervention, Mr. Sabra gave an overview about the TVET situation in Lebanon in light of the economic and sanitary crisis, and the current TVET related initiatives conducted by Beirut Chamber. Among these initiatives, Mr. Sabra indicated the Peer Learning Platform within Mashreq Gender Facility in partnership with IFC and the ENI CBC MED projects, namely YEP MED and INTERNISA, which aim at upskilling and integrating NEETS, young men and women in the job market.

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